Online Safety Tips for Families
The constantly changing nature of the digital world offers more and more opportunities for learning, entertainment and connecting with others.
Keeping up with these rapid changes to help your family stay safe online is crucial. This is often time-consuming and presents challenges for already busy parents. At Giggling Goats, we’re all about making parents’ lives easier, which is why we’ve done the research for you.
Here are some essential online safety tips tailored specifically for families.
Parental Controls
Most computers, devices, operating systems and gaming consoles come with parental control and safety setting options. These allow you to:
Restrict access to age-appropriate content
Monitor online activity
Block specific websites or apps
Limit and manage communication
Set time limits and control device usage
Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can add extra layers of safety to your online environment at home. Here’s how:
Home Wi-Fi Network:
Depending on your Wi-Fi router, you may be able to set up parental controls and apply them to all devices that use your home Wi-Fi network. This provides a general layer of safety, but it’s most effective when combined with parental controls on individual devices or operating systems.
Computers & Laptops
Both PC/Windows and macOS operating systems offer parental control options. These allow you to block or limit access to websites, apps, and games, restrict content and set time limits.
Apple devices (iPhone/iPad) running iOS12 and above have built-in options to restrict access to websites and apps, control in-app purchases, provide warnings for sensitive content, and monitor the sharing of data (such as photos or location).
For Android smartphones and tablets, you can set up parental controls using Google Family Link or through Google Play.
Don’t forget Smart Watches and Fitness Trackers, which are often overlooked. They are still online devices, so ensure to set up parental controls on these as well.
Search Engines & Web Browsers
Most search engines have safety features that can help filter out inappropriate or sensitive content from search results. To set this up on your preferred search engine, look for information on “safe search.”
You might also find that a child-friendly search engine suits your family better. Some options include Kiddle, Kidtopia and KidzSearch.
Important Reminder
While these tools can significantly enhance online safety, they are not foolproof. Parental supervision remains essential. Regular, open communication with your kids about online risks and safe practices is essential. Stay informed about their online activities and the content they engage with. These ongoing conversations help to create a safe and comfortable environment for sharing and instil safe online habits in your children.
By implementing a combination of these strategies at home and on your devices, you can establish a solid foundation for online safety which you can adjust to suit your family’s needs.
Additional Information
Each device and operating system has slightly different safety features, so we recommend doing some specific research on the ones you personally use. Regularly checking for updates or changes will help you maximise the benefits of the available safety features. You can find plenty of information about different devices, routers, and gaming consoles online.
You may like to refer to:
eSafety Commissioner (2024). Parental Controls
Google (2024). Digital Safety Resources.
Childsafe (2023). E-Safety Online.